59 Employee Wellbeing Initiatives to Implement in 2024

Did you know that employee wellbeing isn’t just about keeping the fruit bowl stocked or offering a yoga class every now and then? It’s becoming a game-changer in how companies retain top talent and foster a happier, more productive workforce. According to Gallup’s latest findings in their State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report, a whopping 16% of employees would switch jobs for better wellbeing offerings at work. That’s a big deal! To tackle this challenge and create workplaces where employees thrive, companies are getting creative with their wellbeing initiatives. In this article, we will dive into 59 Employee Wellbeing Initiatives to Implement in 2024 across the six wellbeing pillars.

What is an Employee Wellbeing Initiative?

Employee wellbeing initiatives are a range of programs and strategies to maintain overall wellbeing of employees within a company. These initiatives are essential:

  • Cultivate a positive work environment

  • Enhance employee satisfaction

  • Reduce absenteeism

  • Boost productivity

All of which contribute to the holistic success of the organization. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 4 in 10 organizations expect their health and wellbeing budget to increase in the next 12 months, underscoring the growing recognition of the importance of employee wellbeing in organizational strategy.

Employee Wellbeing Initiatives across 6 Wellbeing Pillars

At VIWELL, we focus on the 6 Pillars of Wellbeing

  • Physical Wellbeing: Focuses on promoting physical health through initiatives like fitness programs and ergonomic workspaces.
  • Nutritional Wellbeing: Emphasizes providing healthy food options and nutritional education, supporting employee energy levels and overall health.
  • Social Wellbeing: Cultivates a sense of community and belonging through team-building activities and supportive workplace relationships, which are essential for morale and collaboration.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Addresses mental health through programs like stress management and counselling, crucial for reducing stress, enhancing resilience, and improving overall job satisfaction.
  • Professional Wellbeing: Supports career growth and development through training, mentoring, and opportunities for advancement, contributing to employee engagement and motivation.
  • Financial Wellbeing: Focuses on financial stability and planning, offering benefits like retirement savings and financial education, which reduce financial stress and promote peace of mind among employees.

How to use this list of Employee Wellbeing Initiatives?

This extensive list offers numerous impactful wellbeing initiatives to enhance overall employee wellbeing within your company. However, with 59 employee wellbeing initiatives, it’s essential to select those that align best with your team’s unique dynamics and needs.

The goal isn’t to overwhelm your employees with a multitude of initiatives but to provide a diverse range from which you can pinpoint the most effective strategies. You understand your team better than anyone else, so you likely have a good sense of which initiatives might resonate most.

To ensure you’re on the right track, we encourage you to consider taking an organizational wellbeing assessment. This assessment will help you gauge your employees’ wellbeing needs, preferences, and experiences anonymously. By leveraging this insight, you can implement tailored initiatives that strengthen their wellbeing and foster personal growth effectively.

59 Employee Wellbeing Initiatives to pick from

The initiatives are grouped into buckets based on the 6 pillars of wellbeing at work, enabling you to easily select initiatives that align with the areas where you aim to make improvements and foster healthier work environments.

Physical Wellbeing Initiatives

1. Onsite Fitness Classes: Offer regular fitness classes like yoga, Pilates, or aerobics at the workplace to encourage physical activity during breaks or after work.

2. Ergonomic Assessments: Conduct ergonomic assessments for workstations to ensure proper posture and reduce strain, promoting comfort and health.

3. Standing Desks: Provide adjustable desks that allow employees to alternate between sitting and standing positions, supporting better posture and reducing sedentary behavior.

4. Walking Meetings: Encourage walking meetings to promote physical activity and creativity, providing a refreshing change of scenery.

5. Steps Challenges: Organize fitness challenges focused on steps or active minutes to motivate employees to increase their daily physical activity levels. We help companies through the VIWELL Digital Platform.

6. Flexible Working for Gym Time: Introduce flexible working hours to allow employees to schedule gym sessions during off-peak hours, promoting work-life balance and physical fitness.

7. Recharge Day: Implement a recharge day as an extra company-wide holiday, allowing employees to reset and recharge without using their annual leave, fostering wellbeing and reducing burnout.

8. Reasonable Core Working Hours: Offer flexible hours around core collaboration times to empower employees to work when they are most productive, enhancing focus and productivity.

9. Fitness Equipment Subsidies: Provide subsidies or discounts for fitness equipment purchases or gym memberships to support employees in maintaining an active lifestyle.

10. Team Building Activities: Organize team-building activities that encourage physical wellbeing, such as outdoor sports events, group hikes, or charity runs, to foster camaraderie and promote fitness among employees. 

Mental Wellbeing Initiatives

11. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Offer confidential counseling services to employees for personal and work-related issues. Learn more about our EAP services here.

12. Mindfulness Workshops: Provide training sessions or workshops on mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus.

13. Stress Management Programs: Conduct workshops or seminars on stress management techniques and coping strategies.

14. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer options for flexible working hours or remote work to support work-life balance and reduce commuting stress.

15. Quiet Spaces: Designate quiet areas or rooms where employees can take breaks and relax away from their desks.

16. Work-Life Balance Policies: Implement policies that encourage employees to disconnect from work outside of business hours, promoting mental rest and rejuvenation.

17. Peer Support Networks: Establish peer support groups or buddy systems to encourage open communication and provide mutual support among colleagues.

18. Training on Mental Health Awareness: Provide education and training sessions on recognizing signs of mental health issues and how to support colleagues.

19. Regular Feedback and Recognition: Implement systems for regular feedback and recognition to boost morale and provide a sense of accomplishment.

 20. Career Development Opportunities: Offer opportunities for skill development, career advancement, or mentorship programs to foster a sense of purpose and growth.

Professional Wellbeing Initiatives

21. Regular Team Retrospectives: Organize periodic team retrospectives to celebrate successes and identify opportunities for improvement collaboratively. Assign actions and revisit insights from previous retrospectives to ensure continuous growth.

22. Workload Management: Implement strategies to effectively manage workloads, such as setting realistic deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and providing necessary resources.

23. Clear Career Pathways: Provide transparency regarding career progression within the organization, including opportunities for advancement and promotion criteria.

24. Workplace Wellbeing & Development: Offer ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance job-related skills, knowledge, and capabilities.

25. Work-Life Integration Support: Promote initiatives that support work-life integration, such as flexible working arrangements or family-friendly policies.

26. Conflict Resolution Mechanisms: Establish clear processes and resources for managing workplace conflicts and disputes in a fair and constructive manner.

27. Professional Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking events, industry conferences, or professional association memberships to help employees build professional connections and stay updated on industry trends.

28. Recognition and Rewards: Establish a formal recognition program to acknowledge and celebrate employees’ achievements and contributions to the organization.

29. Volunteering Opportunities: Offer employees opportunities for volunteering, such as local community service or charitable activities, to boost self-esteem, and social skills, and combat stress. Celebrate these achievements in team meetings to enhance morale.

30. Regular Team Retrospectives: Organize periodic team retrospectives to celebrate successes and identify opportunities for improvement collaboratively. Assign actions and revisit insights from the previous retrospectives to ensure continuous growth.

Social Wellbeing Initiatives

31. Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Encourage collaboration across different departments or teams on projects or initiatives to promote teamwork and broaden social networks.

32. Wellbeing Buddies: Introduce a wellbeing buddy system where employees can buddy up to check in on each other’s wellbeing, offer support, and share resources.

33. Team Building Exercises: Conduct team-building exercises or workshops that focus on enhancing communication, trust, and collaboration among team members.

34. Community Engagement Activities: Organize volunteering activities or community service projects that allow teams to contribute to local causes together, fostering a sense of social responsibility.

35. Open Communication Channels: Create open channels for communication, such as suggestion boxes, anonymous feedback systems, or regular town hall meetings, to ensure all voices are heard and valued.

36. Embrace Vulnerability: Encourage senior leaders and teams to embrace vulnerability by openly admitting when they don’t have all the answers. This practice helps to break the illusion of perfectionism, reducing stress and promoting a culture where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities.

37. Thoughtful Onboarding: Implement a thoughtful onboarding process for new employees, including a buddy system and pre-scheduled meetings to help them integrate smoothly into the team. Provide resources like FAQs and support for setting up home workspaces or accessing co-working spaces, especially for remote hires.

38. Cross-Functional Connections: Promote connections across teams and generations through cross-functional workshops, paired task assignments, and reverse mentoring programs. These initiatives foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a sense of community across different levels of the organization.

39. Recognition and Celebration: Implement peer-to-peer recognition programs and celebrate team successes to boost morale, reinforce positive behaviors, and create a supportive and appreciative work environment.

40. Social Events: Organize regular social events such as team lunches, happy hours, or themed parties to foster camaraderie and strengthen relationships among colleagues.

41. Virtual Social Activities: Plan virtual social activities like online games, virtual coffee breaks, or video chat sessions to connect remote teams and promote social interaction.

Financial Wellbeing Initiatives

42. Financial Education Workshops: Host regular workshops covering budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management.

43. Personal Finance Coaching: Offer one-on-one coaching sessions with financial advisors to provide tailored advice and support.

44. Savings Incentive Programs: Create programs that incentivize saving, such as matching contributions for employees or community members.

45. Budgeting Tools and Apps: Provide access to user-friendly budgeting tools or apps that help individuals track their expenses and savings.

46. Emergency Savings Fund: Establish an emergency fund program to help individuals save for unexpected expenses, often with employer contributions.

47. Retirement Planning Assistance: Provide resources and education on retirement savings options and planning for the future.

48. Financial Wellness Challenges: Organize challenges or contests that encourage participants to set and achieve financial goals, such as saving a certain amount in a month.

49. Access to Financial Resources: Create a library of resources, including articles, videos, and tools related to personal finance, available to employees or community members.

50. Peer Support Groups: Facilitate peer-led support groups where individuals can share experiences, challenges, and strategies for financial wellbeing.

Nutritional Wellbeing Initiatives

51. Nutrition Education Workshops: Host regular workshops covering topics like meal planning, label reading, and healthy cooking techniques.

52. Healthy Meal Programs: Offer access to healthy meal delivery services or on-site meal programs that focus on balanced nutrition.

53. Gardening Initiatives: Establish community or organizational gardens to encourage growing fresh fruits and vegetables.

54. Nutrition Challenges: Organize friendly competitions that encourage participants to try new healthy foods or track their nutrition habits.

55. Mindful Eating Programs: Implement programs that promote mindful eating practices, helping individuals appreciate and enjoy their food.

56. Access to Nutrition Resources: Provide access to a variety of resources, including online articles, meal plans, and nutritional information.

57. Healthy Snack Options: Stock workplaces or community centers with healthy snacks to encourage better choices throughout the day.

58. Cooking Classes: Offer hands-on cooking classes that teach individuals how to prepare nutritious meals on a budget and suitable for the workplace.

59. Nutrition Workshops for Families: Create programs specifically designed for families, focusing on healthy meal preparation and kid-friendly nutrition.

Prioritise Employee Wellbeing Initiatives in 2024

Once you’ve identified the pillars that require improvement, we recommend beginning with a trial of selected initiatives within those specific pillars. After implementing these initiatives, conduct another assessment of overall wellbeing a few months later to evaluate their impact and sustainability. Repeat this iterative process until you observe significant improvements in those areas.

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Elevating employee performance through the power of sports

Harnessing the power of sports can be the game-changer for businesses aiming for success.  

From fun-filled company sports days and tournaments to regular coaching sessions or team-building exercises, VIWELL Active is here to make it happen seamlessly.  


  • Promotes holistic health  
  • Keeps them sharp 
  • Sparks motivation across the board  
  • Fosters camaraderie and morale 
  • Amps up performance and productivity 

Supporting inclusion and raising team spirit

Team building activities have the power to boost organisational trust, morale, and performance. 

VIWELL Active can help you create team building events that support inclusion and enhance motivation.  

By incorporating both senior management and employees, team building exercises help to heal interpersonal issues, enhance rapport, and boost performance and productivity. 


  • Aligns goals 
  • Raises moral and team spirit 
  • Increases problem solving capabilities 
  • Increases performance and productivity 

Activating brands with innovation and novelty

At VIWELL Active, we’re dedicated to offering a distinctive platform for your brand. Let us help you connect your brand with health and wellbeing, leveraging the dynamic realm of sports to activate your product or service! Whether it’s product debuts or bespoke sporting-themed brand engagements, our team is committed to uncovering fresh and imaginative avenues for audiences to interact with your brand or offering. 


  • Aligns goals 
  • Raises moral and team spirit 
  • Increases problem solving capabilities 
  • Increases performance and productivity 

Exciting, entertaining, and enriching team building activities

If you are planning an event for your team but not sure where to start, VIWELL Active has the expertise to bring your vision to life.  

Whether you want a team-building sports event, a brand activation, a charity fundraiser, or a custom-made gathering, we’re here to cater to your corporate needs and cultivate to an exceptional company culture. 


  • Increases performance and productivity 
  • Better communication 
  • Enhances motivation and morale 
  • Increases confidence 
  • Improves mental and physical health 
  • Identification of leadership qualities

Energise your team with one-day events

From fostering employee wellbeing to strengthening team dynamics, advancing corporate social responsibility initiatives, or amplifying brand presence, our one-day events offer a dynamic platform to achieve your objectives.  

These events are designed to invigorate your workforce, elevate brand visibility, and showcase your mission.  

Each event is crafted based on our extensive experience and the most sought-after requests, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for your organisation. 


  • Increases performance and productivity 
  • Better communication 
  • Enhances motivation and morale 
  • Increases confidence 
  • Improves mental and physical health 
  • Identification of leadership qualities

Make your mark: corporate social responsibility made easy

Crafting a CSR program need not be daunting. Start small with simple yet impactful initiatives like creating dolls for refugee children or organising food distribution drives.  

But if you’re seeking an electrifying CSR event, look no further. Dial +971 4510 3402, and our experts will orchestrate a remarkable sustainability campaign for you. 

We’ll infuse creativity into your noble endeavors, blending team-building activities seamlessly into the mix, so participants can engage effortlessly in a cause with a profound social impact. 

Gather your team and kick off a journey to a better society, inspiring employees to be part of something greater than themselves. 


  • Perfect way to bring your employees together 
  • Turn your employees’ energy into positive impact 
  • Motivate employees with causes they believe in 
  • An incredible way to enjoy with colleagues while doing good for the planet 
  • Contribute to the happiness & wellbeing of our community & ourselves 
  • Bond with your team and make a real difference to nature