5 Common Money Mistakes and How to Fix Them for a More Secure Financial Future

Money management is an essential aspect of personal finance that can be challenging to navigate. Unfortunately, many people make common mistakes that can negatively impact their financial stability and security. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these mistakes and provide effective strategies to fix them.

Living Beyond Your Means

Living beyond your means is a common mistake that can lead to debt, financial stress, and instability. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending more than you earn, especially when faced with social pressure to keep up with the latest trends and lifestyles.

To fix this mistake, it’s crucial to start by creating a budget that includes all your expenses and income. Identify areas where you can cut back and prioritise your spending to live within your means. Although it may require some tough decisions, living within your means is crucial for long-term financial success.

Not Saving for Emergencies

Emergencies can happen at any time, and not having savings to fall back on can be detrimental to your financial health. It’s essential to have an emergency fund to avoid accumulating debt in case of unexpected events such as job loss, medical emergencies, or car repairs.

To fix this mistake, start building an emergency fund by setting aside three to six months’ worth of expenses in a separate savings account. This will provide a financial cushion and peace of mind when facing unexpected challenges.

Carrying High-Interest Debt

Credit card debt can accumulate quickly, especially with high-interest rates. Paying off high-interest debt can be challenging, and interest charges can become overwhelming.

To fix this mistake, prioritise paying off high-interest debt first. Focus on paying down credit card balances, personal loans, and other high-interest debts. Once you’ve paid off your high-interest debt, you can focus on other financial goals.

Not Investing for the Future

Investing can be intimidating, and many people delay investing until later in life. Unfortunately, waiting too long can limit investment growth and reduce the potential to accumulate wealth.

To fix this mistake, start by learning about investing and setting investment goals. Consider working with a financial advisor or using online investment platforms to help you get started. Investing early can maximise your returns and ensure financial security in the future.

Not Having a Retirement Plan

Retirement may seem far away, but it’s essential to plan for it early in life. Not having a retirement plan can result in financial stress during your golden years.

To fix this mistake, start by setting up a retirement account and contributing regularly. Consider investing in a pension or an Individual Savings Account (ISA) and aim to save at least 10% to 15% of your income for retirement.

In conclusion, effective money management is critical for financial success. Avoiding common mistakes such as living beyond your means, not saving for emergencies, carrying high-interest debt, not investing for the future, and not having a retirement plan is key to achieving long-term financial stability and security. By following the strategies discussed above, you can take control of your finances and secure your financial future.

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Elevating employee performance through the power of sports

Harnessing the power of sports can be the game-changer for businesses aiming for success.  

From fun-filled company sports days and tournaments to regular coaching sessions or team-building exercises, VIWELL Active is here to make it happen seamlessly.  


  • Promotes holistic health  
  • Keeps them sharp 
  • Sparks motivation across the board  
  • Fosters camaraderie and morale 
  • Amps up performance and productivity 

Supporting inclusion and raising team spirit

Team building activities have the power to boost organisational trust, morale, and performance. 

VIWELL Active can help you create team building events that support inclusion and enhance motivation.  

By incorporating both senior management and employees, team building exercises help to heal interpersonal issues, enhance rapport, and boost performance and productivity. 


  • Aligns goals 
  • Raises moral and team spirit 
  • Increases problem solving capabilities 
  • Increases performance and productivity 

Activating brands with innovation and novelty

At VIWELL Active, we’re dedicated to offering a distinctive platform for your brand. Let us help you connect your brand with health and wellbeing, leveraging the dynamic realm of sports to activate your product or service! Whether it’s product debuts or bespoke sporting-themed brand engagements, our team is committed to uncovering fresh and imaginative avenues for audiences to interact with your brand or offering. 


  • Aligns goals 
  • Raises moral and team spirit 
  • Increases problem solving capabilities 
  • Increases performance and productivity 

Exciting, entertaining, and enriching team building activities

If you are planning an event for your team but not sure where to start, VIWELL Active has the expertise to bring your vision to life.  

Whether you want a team-building sports event, a brand activation, a charity fundraiser, or a custom-made gathering, we’re here to cater to your corporate needs and cultivate to an exceptional company culture. 


  • Increases performance and productivity 
  • Better communication 
  • Enhances motivation and morale 
  • Increases confidence 
  • Improves mental and physical health 
  • Identification of leadership qualities

Energise your team with one-day events

From fostering employee wellbeing to strengthening team dynamics, advancing corporate social responsibility initiatives, or amplifying brand presence, our one-day events offer a dynamic platform to achieve your objectives.  

These events are designed to invigorate your workforce, elevate brand visibility, and showcase your mission.  

Each event is crafted based on our extensive experience and the most sought-after requests, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for your organisation. 


  • Increases performance and productivity 
  • Better communication 
  • Enhances motivation and morale 
  • Increases confidence 
  • Improves mental and physical health 
  • Identification of leadership qualities

Make your mark: corporate social responsibility made easy

Crafting a CSR program need not be daunting. Start small with simple yet impactful initiatives like creating dolls for refugee children or organising food distribution drives.  

But if you’re seeking an electrifying CSR event, look no further. Dial +971 4510 3402, and our experts will orchestrate a remarkable sustainability campaign for you. 

We’ll infuse creativity into your noble endeavors, blending team-building activities seamlessly into the mix, so participants can engage effortlessly in a cause with a profound social impact. 

Gather your team and kick off a journey to a better society, inspiring employees to be part of something greater than themselves. 


  • Perfect way to bring your employees together 
  • Turn your employees’ energy into positive impact 
  • Motivate employees with causes they believe in 
  • An incredible way to enjoy with colleagues while doing good for the planet 
  • Contribute to the happiness & wellbeing of our community & ourselves 
  • Bond with your team and make a real difference to nature